Source code for emacs.elisp.util

"""Other utility code relating to Elisp."""

from io import StringIO
from typing import Union
from ast import literal_eval

[docs]def snake_to_kebab(name: str) -> str: """Convert a symbol name from ``'snake_case'`` to ``'kebab-case'``.""" return name.replace('_', '-')
[docs]def escape_emacs_char(c: Union[int, str]) -> str: """Escape character for use in Elisp string literal.""" i = c if isinstance(c, int) else ord(c) # Backslash if i == 0x5c: return r'\\' # Double quote if i == 0x22: return r'\"' # Printable if 0x20 <= i <= 0x7F: return chr(i) # Two-digit hex if i <= 0xFF: return f'\\x{i:02X}' # Four-digit hex if i <= 0xFFFF: return f'\\u{i:04X}' # Eight-digit hex if i <= 0xFFFFFFFF: return f'\\U{i:08X}' raise ValueError(i)
[docs]def escape_emacs_string(s: str, quotes: bool=False) -> str: """Escape non-printable characters in a way that can be read by Emacs. If ``quotes=True`` this returns a valid Elisp string literal that evaluates to ``s`` and can be read by the ``read`` function. Parameters ---------- s String to escape. quotes Surround output with double quote characters. """ buf = StringIO() if quotes: buf.write('"') for c in s: buf.write(escape_emacs_char(c)) if quotes: buf.write('"') return buf.getvalue()
[docs]def unescape_emacs_string(s: str, quotes: bool = False) -> str: """Unescape the representation of a string printed by Emacs. This can be used to parse string printed using ``prin1``, for example. Important: this requires the Emacs variables ``print-escape-newlines`` and ``print-escape-control-characters`` be set to ``t`` for certain control and whitespace characters to be escaped properly. See `here`__ for more information. __ Parameters ---------- s String to escape. quotes Expect contents of ``s`` to be surrounded by double quote characters. """ if quotes: if (len(s) < 2 or not (s[0] == s[-1] == '"')): raise ValueError('String must begin and end with double quotes.') else: s = '"' + s + '"' try: return literal_eval(s) except SyntaxError as e: raise ValueError(f'Invalid Emacs string literal {s!r}') from e