Source code for emacs.elisp.dsl

"""A DSL for writing Elisp in Python.

God help us all.

from .ast import Expr, Symbol, Raw
from .exprs import to_elisp, symbols, cons
from .util import snake_to_kebab

[docs]class ElispDSL: """Implements the Elisp DSL. """ def __getitem__(self, name) -> Symbol: """Indexing with string gets a Symbol.""" return Symbol(name) def __getattr__(self, name): """Attribute access with lower-case name gets a symbol.""" if name[0] == name[0].lower() and not name.startswith('__'): return Symbol(snake_to_kebab(name)) return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __call__(self, value) -> Expr: """Calling as function converts value.""" return to_elisp(value) C = staticmethod(cons) S = staticmethod(symbols) R = staticmethod(Raw)
#: Instance of :class:`ElispDSL` for easy importing. E = ElispDSL()